I'm finally getting around to posting about my sister, Rachel's, visit. She came the beginning of February. It was her Christmas present from her husband. I was honored that she used me for her Christmas gift :) I know I say it all the time, but I just can't describe how much I love and adore my sister. We have always been very close, we have so much fun together, can tell each other anything, and can laugh at everything. We always have a good time, no matter what we're doing. This trip was no exception. It was very easy-going and relaxing. We did a lot of shopping (possibly our favorite thing to do together), hanging out, playing, eating yummy food and sight-seeing. She brought her baby Liam who is about 7 weeks older than Magnus. It was so fun to meet each other's babies. The kids loved having Rachel here, she is like their other mother and when she's here, I am completely ignored. It's Rachel this, and Rachel that. Everyone loves Rachel :)
Anyway, here are a few pictures of our fun week which, of course, went by way too fast. I was horrible at taking pictures that week, so it's a good thing Rach was good about it. These are all from her.

Cousins :)

Babies (after this week, I caught a
very small glimpse at what it would be like having twins.... all you twin mamas out there, I admire you VERY much-you're amazing :)

Naptime before church

We went up to DC one day. Here's me on my phone following the map to Union Station.... I don't think I could live without my iPhone here. It saved us more than once. Technology=awesome.

Here's Bear on his first metro ride. The older three kids had school and I had arranged for babysitters once school got out. We just had to bring the babies and Baron (who were all incredibly well-behaved, thank goodness)

Washinton Monument

We decided to get tickets to go up inside. It was incredible. We weren't going to wait, but decided to and I'm so glad we did. The views are amazing.

This is up in the monument, a picture of the White House

This is over at the WWII memorial. Some of it is being re-done, along with a bunch of other stuff at the national mall. It wasn't looking it's most beautiful, but it was still amazing and awe-inspiring. The reverance their is palpable. It was so funny to me that even though neither Rachel nor I live in Utah anymore, all we wanted to look for was the Utah monument :) It will always be "home" to me.

We had time to go to only 1 museum in the whole Smithsonian and had a hard time choosing. We decided on the National Museum of American History. It was amazing and we had so much fun. The picture above is how they used to do laundry in the "olden days" Haha. I cannot even imagine the process and you can see how Rachel felt about it :)

Dorothy's ruby slippers. Even though I love shoes, I think I could pass on adding this pair to my collection. Not really my style... ;)

Baron had finally had enough and let us know how he felt about walking through one more exhibit. A bunch of people around us thought he was hilarious and starting snapping pictures of Bear rolling around on the floor.

After the museum, we were famished. We walked 3 more miles just to get to this incredible hamburger joint-good thing we did, I'm sure the calories we burned were replenished twice over. It's called Good Stuff Eatery. I'd been their once before and had been dying to go back. They have the best burgurs, fries, and hand-spun shakes
ever. I got a milky-way shake and Rachel got a toasted marshmellow. Seriously.... Best. Shakes. Ever. Whoever comes to visit me, I will take you here and you will never look at shakes the same. I'm not even exaggerating. DC was probably one of our favorite days of Rachel's visit.

The last day Rachel was here, we went to brunch with our babes at an incredible little bakery called Eileen's. We ate a few healthy things and then dug into the real reason we went there... dessert :) Yum.

We had such a great time. I am so glad Rach was able to come. Like I said, I adore her. She's the best. Miss you Rach! Muah!
Miss you too! When you comin out to see me?! We totally have stuff that is just as cool as the National Mall. Wait...no we don't. See you in a few months!
I love me some sister time! Glad she had a nice visit!
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