I kept trying to take pictures of Andy and this cool star egg he colored, and I said, "Be serious and just smile!" Ummm, yeah right. I don't think it's possible for my husband to do that.

Pretty eggs.... I need to remember to do more next year. I always cook about 12 and then we color them really fast and the kids always want to do more.
Magnus was really interested in coloring eggs too.... oh wait, no he wasn't.
After the kids were snug in their beds, the Easter bunny came!
And then he hid their baskets. It was really funny in the morning because my kids have NEVER forgotten a holiday. They woke up and I heard them go downstairs and turn cartoons on instead of excitedly searching for their Easter baskets. Weird. I finally went down and reminded them that we don't watch TV on Sundays and then it clicked and they all of the sudden remembered it was Easter and started running around searching for the goods.
Bear had a hard time finding his basket and was getting a little upset until I stepped in and gave him a hint and then he found it and got the cutest, biggest grin across that darling little face of his.
The Bunny was nice enough to bring us some movies to share too.
Cute little feetsies in new flip-flops
Yummy Easter brunch. Strawberry and whip cream waffles.
The rest of Easter was wonderful at church. I have never before been a primary teacher and it was great teaching about Jesus Christ and His resurrection to my class. They are so smart and I love seeing their little faces light up and I can see that they are grasping gospel concepts. It is very rewarding. More so is hearing what my own kids learned at church and knowing that their little testimonies are growing. It makes me a proud mom. I sure love all of those little stinkers.
I hope everyone had a Happy Easter. Mine was almost perfect. The one thing I am sad about is that I forgot to take a family picture of us. Boo :( I love looking back at all of my Easter pictures over the years. Oh well.... good thing there is always next year!
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