After school I was busy making her requested dinner of choice-chicken, cheese, and broccoli crepes and also fruit and nutella crepes. As soon as those were complete, we headed to the mall. She let Daphne tag along.
She doesn't look it, but she was really nervous. I knew this because she was really quiet all the way to the mall and she and Daphne kept giggling nervously and pinching each other's ears trying to decide how badly it would hurt.
She didn't hesitate when I asked her if she was sure that she wanted this. She replied with a resounding, "Yes!" and the gal there got busy marking her ears, and re-marking (I was very picky). Finally, she punched through the first ear and before Laylah could hardly blink, she punched through the second.
She's squeezing my hand right here VERY tightly :)
Here are a few more pics of the night...
And now, a little about my girl who is 8 (sob!):
Laylah is pretty much the greatest child a mom could ask for. She is helpful, happy, wonderful, kind, loving, and nearly perfect in every way. That's not to say she doesn't have her moments (tantrums, bossiness, and once in awhile, hitting or slamming of a door :), but she is basically a dream child for me. She does what is asked of her, does what isn't asked of her, and is always asking if she can do anything else to help me. I think that sometimes I take advantage of her because of her always-willing nature. I will take a step back once in awhile and ask her if she really wants to be doing this (helping me) or if she'd rather be playing or doing something else. She usually replies that she wants to help, but once in awhile, she requests to go play or read, or do something else (which is completely fine by me). She loves to read (it must be a gene-my grandma, my mother, all my sisters, and now my daughters, all LOVE to read) and is at a 5th grade reading level. She can finish a chapter book in a couple days. She loves to attend school and is an excellent student, and also loves to play school and be the teacher. She also will play this game on Sunday's as "Primary" and be the primary leader with all the other kids as the class (they're pretty good sports most of the time). She also loves to play "Mom" and have all the kids be her children. She just wants to be a grown-up so badly. I am constantly telling her to enjoy being a kid. She is so very mature for her age and people are often asking me if she is 10? 11? (Because she is also very tall for her age-90th percentile(54 inches), 75th for weight(60 pounds)) to which I have to laugh and tell them how old she really is. She thinks it's great, of course. She loves food and is not picky. She really loves it all and once I asked her what her least favorite food was, and she couldn't think of anything. However, she LOVES treats and anything with sugar. She is so like me, it's scary. She loves to do anything crafty and artistic. Not quite sure where she gets that from seeing as how her mother is quite challenged in the area... :) She loves to sing and I love hearing her. She also enjoys dancing and cheerleading. She hasn't quite decided what she wants to do this fall, but I think she's leaning towards cheer again. I think we'll also sign her up for piano lessons from my neighbor. She loves, loves to be outside. She will ride her bike, play tag, play in the dirt, play games with friends in the circle down the street, and she just LOVES to swim. She is an excellent swimmer, but she really wants to take lessons to become better. She also adores horses and riding and everything that comes with it. I feel bad that we can't afford lessons out here (we only could in Utah because, well, they were free :) but hopefully this summer she'll be able to get her fill when we visit Utah. She loves all other animals too, and is mainly in charge of our dog, Sadie's care. She is constantly asking questions and wants to know everything about anything (Now THAT, I know where it comes from!). She is a good little sneak sometimes too, and can be tricky when she wants to be. I feel really bad sometimes that she is my oldest because of how the oldest always kind of gets crapped on. She's been our guinnea pig and sometimes I feel like I really overreact, or give her a punishment about something that later, doesn't really seem to matter so much. Somehow though, she seems to be turning out just fine, is always very forgiving, and I am constantly complimeted on her and her wonderful behavior and attitude. Her school teachers, and especially her church leaders, always have something good and wonderful to say about her, usually something about how sweet she is. And she is. She is a wonderful daughter, sister, and friend. Everyone loves Laylah and I feel so constantly blessed that she is mine.
Happy #8 Laylah Girl! I love you to the moon and back, forever.
You are SUCH a good mom! And Laylah is so beautiful! :)
Can I have my birthday at your house! So cute and fun! I can't believe that she is 8 already. That went by so fast. Crazy!!
So fun, Laylah is such a cutie! Our rule for ear piercing is 8 years old too. We bought our girls American Girl dolls for Christmas while we were living in Dallas. They have a store there that is so much fun. If you have one near you your girls would love it. Isn't it fun having girls :)?
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