I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again. I adore Daphne's preschool. They have amazing teachers, great lessons, fun activites, and awesome fieldtrips nearly every month.
Back in March they had a Daddy and Me activity. Daph brought home a cute little invitation that looked like a tie inviting Andy to a fun-filled night at preschool just for Daddy's and their preschool child. I told Andy to take pictures, but guess what? He didn't. Claims he forgot. Suspicious.... He said her teacher got a picture, I just need to get a copy from her so I can add it here later :) Daph told me all about it and said they played games, decorated cookies, had a few contests, and she made him a tie. They had a blast together and Daphne talks about it all the time still.
A couple weeks ago Daphne brought home an invitation inviting me to a Mother's Tea. We went together and decorated sugar cookies, made bracelets, read stories, played games, she showed me the picture she made of me, and of course, we had tea. Mine was a delicious mint herbal tea and Daphne had green punch. It was so much fun and I just loved spending the time with Daphne. I sure do love this girl:

I know, I look extremely haggard. The Tea was the same day as Bear's birthday and it had been quite a crazy day to say the least. I was exhausted.

Here is Daphne's beautiful bracelet we made together

This is Daphne's drawing of yours truly. I thought it was pretty good! She told me, "I did brown AND blonde hair because sometimes yours is both!" HAHA! She's correct, it is right now.... time for some highlights! She even got it right down to my green eyes. On the bottom of the picture the teachers typed up a little questionaire they had asked the kids about their moms. It asked about their mom's age, favorite food, things they enjoy doing, what kind of tv shows they watch, and what they do while their child is at preschool. It was hilarious reading some of the other papers. One kid said his mom was 70, another said his mom was 8. Someone said their mom liked to eat octopus, another said she just worked on the computer all day long. It was great, I loved reading what Daphne said about me. And guess what? She got every question right. Can't pull one over on that girl, she remembers everything.

At the end, Daphne's cute teacher read us a book about mothers and all the kids passed out roses to their Mama's. It was such a fun night, and I loved spending it with my Daphne girl.
About a week and a half ago we went on a field trip to the fire station and learned all about fire safety. It was a lot of fun and Baron and Magnus was able to come too. The kids had a blast sitting in a fire truck, watching a movie on fire safety and watching a fire man get dressed up in all of his gear.

Daphne being the terrific big sissie that she is

Sitting in the fire truck

Mr. Fireman.... I loved how they did this and told the kids not to be afraid if they saw this man in their house because he was just trying to save them from a fire.

Daphne's cute little preschool class

Fun times at preschool, that's for sure!
1 comment:
I was just thinking how cute you looked in the picture with your hat on and then I read that you thought you looked haggard! only you thought that! i wish we had a preschool like that around here. looks like so much fun!
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