I always let my kids open one gift that morning because they have to wait the whole, long, rest of the day to open all of their other gifts.
The day of Bear's birthday he had playgroup and he was so excited to bring cupcakes for everyone. We all sang Happy Birthday to him as well.
Later that day I decorated for his party and he just kept jumping around and laughing and clapping saying "It's a Mario party! It's my Mario party!"
The balloons
The place settings
The gifts
The Happy Birthday sign
The Invites. I had orderd a little Mario Party package online and they came with these invitations. I was just going to throw them away because we were just having a family party, but Andy helped Bear fill them out and put one on everyone's bed. They said "You must bring this invitation to get into the party" :) When it was time for the party to begin, all the kids went outside and rang the doorbell to come in to the party. Bear loved it and thought it was so great taking all of the kids to their seats at the table.
The cake. My super talented friend Emily made this cake. Isn't it amazing?! Baron was thrilled, of course.
Baron requested spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. I didn't know why, until later I heard him telling Jonah that he wanted spaghetti because that is Mario's favorite food (we have the old Mario cartoons on Netflix and Baron loves to watch them). I thought that to be quite clever as well as hilarious. We also had garlic bread and fried zuchinni.
Happy Birthday to you!
Opening gifts...

Baron received a Leapster and 2 Leapster games, Toy Story 3 toys, a zhuzhu pet, an Imaginext toy (these are my boys' most favorite brand of toys ever, if you need a gift idea for a boy age 2-7 :) from Andy and me and the other kids. He received a Spongebob Mp3 player from my parents, new clothes from Andy's parents, and he also recieved lots of cards (with money in them!) from great grandparents and aunts and uncles. He had such a super birthday. He hasn't stopped playing with his Leapster or listening to his Mp3 player.
Baron at 3
Bear is a big 3 year old. He hasn't had his yearly exam, but I know he is around 43 pounds and 38-39 inches tall. He has always been around 95% in height and weight for his age and he doesn't show any signs of slowing down. He has surpassed Daphne in weight and is closing the gap on height. He loves to eat. He asks to eat all day long and isn't picky at all (just so you know, I don't actually let him eat all day long :). He loves everything. His favorites are bananas, pancakes, cheese, yogurt, turkey sandwiches, berries, and broccoli. He loves to play outside in the dirt, riding his scooter and trike, and jumping on the neighbors trampoline. He likes to run around with the big kids. He likes to think he's older, but he's always the one lagging behind when they're running around playing tag or some other game. He is one of the youngest of all of the neighbor kids, and I am so glad they let him play and participate and include him. He just loves it. He can be a stubborn little stinker and he has been known to throw some pretty crazy tantrums. He is also one of the biggest whiners I know. He loves to watch movies and TV and have help playing Wii and computer games. He loves his toys and will play for hours at a time in his room all alone. He has a huge imagination and makes up some pretty funny games. He loves to be read to and play games with me. His favorite games are Memory, Go Fish, and he's also pretty good at Bop-It. His favorite book is Maisy's Pirate Treasure Hunt. He asks me to sing him a song every night and one of his favorites is Tiny Turtle. He has just loved his playgroup and I've signed him up again for the fall. He can count to 20, he knows almost the entire alphabet (capital and lowercase), all of his shapes and colors, and he hasn't had an accident (potty-wise) since his birthday (I guess it was all just too exciting :) He is a sugar addict and loves fruit snacks, candy, chocolate, and any sweets you'll give him. He is absolutely hilarious and half of the time we are all shocked at the witty things that come out of his mouth. That being said, he is only himself around our little family. He is quite shy (I don't know why, maybe because he was 1 when we moved here and he's never spent a whole lot of time around big groups of people) and often hides his face and refuses to talk when he meets new people. He is such a big sweetheart and at least once a day I'll be cooking or doing dishes in the kitchen and I'll feel two little arms wrap around my legs and give me a squeeze and I'll hear a muffled "I love you mama." When I look down, there is Bear giving me a love and before I can even hug him back, he is off, running to a new adventure. We all absolutely adore our Baby Bear (as we call him) and I am so grateful I have the privilege of being his mother. Happy Birthday Bear!
Happy Birthday Bear Man!! Can't wait to see you when you come to Utah!!
Happy Birthday Bear! I hope he got our late b-day card! I wasn't so on top of things. Looks like you guys had an awesome time. You're such a supermom! That's an awesome party. I cannot believe how grown up he is. You're supposed to freeze them while you're gone so I don't miss so much! I can't wait to have him here in the summer to play with Evan and Braxton. They play so well together and they're so fun to watch. It'll be fun to throw Baron in the mix!
He is stinkin cute and stinkin smart! Love his cake. He sounds SO grown up!
I'm so glad you post stuff - it feels like we're almost there. You're so creative! Baron has grown up so much. I love his smile with the cupcake!
What a fun birthday!
What a cute little kid, "I love you Momma", that brought tears to my eyes.. So cute! Its crazy how big they get in such a small amount of time! Thanks for the tips on toys for the 2-7 age range, I've got to get thinking on my guys b-day gifts!!
He sounds like a pretty fun kid to have around! We were making faces back and forth at each other at church on Sunday. He can't be THAT shy,right!?
What a cutie - huggin' Mama's legs and givin' some love!
That little Bear Bear is just too cute!
Can I just add I can't believe he's only 3!? That kid loves up to his name! A Bear!
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