Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Happy Mother's Day

What a wonderful, wonderful day. One of the best I can remember , in fact. Is there anything better than watching your kids play "Super Hero" and pretending they can fly?

Well, maybe getting to snug them and squeeze them-and they let you because you say "I can do whatever I want-it's Mother's Day."

This one gets snugged the most lately.... he/she gets the royal treatment right now :)
I don't think there is anything better than Motherhood.... truly I don't :)
Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful, amazing ladies who sacrifice yourselves unselfishly for your children and families. Especially YOU, Mom. Love you.


team cowan said...

Hey, thanks for reading! Don't be a stranger. :) Glad you had a great Mother's Day. Nothing beats happy kids.

SamandJasonfamily said...

I love your last few post! The ultrasound is so much different than it was 9 years ago! Have fun in the heat while it is still cold here! Love ya!