My mom called me that afternoon and I had a mini breakdown (well, I'd like to think it was only mini) I went on and on to her about all the things I had going on, all the things that were stressing me out, all the things I was worried about (hey, what are moms for, right?) and she just sat and listened, said all the right things, and of course, sympathized. She's amazing. I love my mom.
Why do we ( as moms and wives) think we have to be superwomen all the time? I told my mom that I didn't feel like I could complain to anyone- ever, and she asked me why. I don't know why. But here it is. I am stressed out. I have a lot going on. I am worried about a lot of things right now. And I seriously feel like crap (I would use a stronger word, but this is a family blog ;) about 90% of the time because of my medication. If you ask, and I tell you I'm fine, I'm probably lying to you. I guess I just don't want to try and make myself seem more important, or draw attention to myself. I guess I think that this life is hard, and SO many people have hard things in their lives that I shouldn't be complaining about such small, insignifigant things. So I try not to. Except to my amazing, wonderful, helpful mom. Did I mention that I love her? Well, I do. I really really do.
Then there's this guy:
Isn't he soooooo good lookin? I sure do love him too. After my "mini" breakdown, he announced that we were going shopping (a sure cure to all that ails you) He found a babysitter (my lovely sister Kaylie- thanks lovely), got pizza for the kids, and we were off. He wined me (okay, diet coked me), dined me, and romanced me at The Gateway. We had such a fun night. I got some new clothes and a new purse AND a Haagan Daz ice cream cone (heaven!) We strolled around hand in hand, listened to some guy playing his guitar and singing (and gave him a few bucks and also made him laugh right in the middle of a song! whoops) and enjoyed each other. Our lives are stressful right now, and it was so nice to just have each other to worry about for a few hours. Like I said- I love my husband, and I'm also pretty crazy about him- and he makes me laugh more than any person I've ever met. Later that night, he almost made me pee my pants laughing at Target... true story. But thats all you need to know about that :)
I think and pray about you everyday, sweetie. Hopefully this doc will get to the bottom of things and you'll feel better soon. Miss you!
Hey chic, hang in there. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I really look up to you for the strong woman and great mother you are (I don't think I have ever evan heard you yell at your kids before). You are amazing, keep smiling. Love, Love
You are one lucky bug Sarah to have your mom who listens and your husband who pampers. I love that Andy did that spontaneous date for the two of you and got you laughing and smiling again. It will all be okay somehow. :)
Oh Sarah, I am so sorry to hear all of this. I am so sorry we couldn't help you out the other night. I feel really bad about it. I am glad you have a wonderful family who is there for you. I don't know where we would be without a supportive family. Please let me know when you are needing a break. Thanks for your friendship.
I too wonder why we try and be "tough" sometimes instead of honest; maybe we'd get more of the help we needed if we said it like it was (perhaps it's just really hard to accept help!). At any rate, I'm glad you have a great mom to talk to...and friends, that's what we're here for, to support in good times and the rough ones too (even if all we can do is listen). :)
You are such a good, amazing person. You have had a lot on your plate for awhile now. I think about you all the time and I hope that you can figure out what is going on and feel good again. I am glad that you have a good mom and hubby to take care of you. Your date night sounds fabulous.
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