Thursday, September 3, 2009

This Morning...

...when I was dropping the kids off at school, I noticed the sprinklers were on. They were spraying the sidewalk that Jonah has to walk to to get to his classroom door. They were on because we were actually ( miracle of miracles) ealry today. When I showed him and told him to run through them really fast so he didn't get wet he replied:


I laughed.


Tara said...

Ha ha ha. I would have laughed too.:)

Jenny said...

That is hilarious! Now who did he get that from? ;)

Mrs.Spy said...

I don't know if I can keep reading your blog, what with your potty mouth kids and all.
Romy once wrote a paper for school saying she can't wait until she is grown up so she can "say bad words." I coulda kicked her.