Baron had his 18 month well-child exam about a month ago, and here are his stats:
head: 19 inches (65th percentile)
weight: 29 1/2 pounds (89th percentile)
height: 34 inches (91st percentile)
He is a huge kid. It's funny to see him next to kids his own age, he just towers over them. He is wearing a 3T and the boy is just solid. He was officially invited to nursury, even though he's been going when necessary (which I claimed was just about every week because of mine and Andy's callings) since he was about 13 months old. He loves to laugh and play with other kids. He still loves to eat, although he is going through a picky phase and stuff he used to love stays on his plate now. He has discovered treats and he just KNOWS when someone has something yummy and he is like a baby bird, standing there with his mouth open, waiting for you to feed him. He is as sweet as they come. He loves to snuggle, give hugs and open-mouthed kisses, read books, he loves Elmo and dancing and music. He loves to be outside and jump on the tramp. He loves to go "bu-bye" and runs to get his coat and shoes if he hears you say the word. He still LOVES his binky. He can be a huge whiner if he's tired, which drives me crazy. I have no patience for whiners. He doesn't like to put his nose in the corner, and he's very good at ignoring when I'm trying to get him to do something. In our crazy, loud house, he gets my attention by running up to me yelling "Mama! Mama! MAMA!!" and hitting my legs as hard as he can. He is one of my greatest joys, and I want him to stay a baby....
I guess it's time for another one :)
Oh my I hear ya, don't they grow up way to fast!!!
yep, guess you'll just have to have another- Darn :)
hmm, that's the same way Tyler gets my attention. Baron sure is a sweetie...I can't believe how big our babies are!
Why do they need to grow up so fast! I love this age they are so cute! Bear is really getting so big!
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