Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Most Wonderful Christmas-With Some Interesting Twists

Christmas-The "Wonderful" Part

We had a very merry and wonderful Christmas. It started at about 7:15 AM with little kiddos eagerly digging through their stockings to see what sort of amazing things Santa had stuffed them with.
Baron was ecstatic from the beginning. No hesitation-he acted like he'd been doing Christmas for years and was a blur running from one thing to the next, checking out everybody's loot. His squeals of delight made me so happy.

Everyone was thrilled with their gifts, and ever so grateful, which made me even happier, and a little bit proud too.Cruisin' (and crashin' :)

The Rockstar

Baron had to try out every single person's gift as soon as they would set it down. He would get more excited watching someone open something than he would openeing his own gifts.

Jo's new "friend"

Getting ready for the ball

I guess we clean up pretty nice :)

sissy-poos (with matching flowers in our hair-we didn't plan it, I promise)

Onto the next grandparents.... let's go ahead and sqeeze a nap in while we're at it.

Turtle Boy hiding in his shell.... not ready for the nap to be over yet

Ahhhh Love. (I look so excited because I just opened my in-laws gift to Andy and me-a memory foam matress cover- I slept SO amazingly that night)

The gifts seemed never ending-we are so blessed

"LOOK mom! Real makeup!" she said.
"Oh, terrific." I thought

Christmas jammies made with love by Grandma Collette (12 of the 13 grandkids)
Christmas- The "Twist" Parts

Daphne was sick yet again. She woke up throwing up in her bed at 5 Am Christmas morning. Hence, the puke bowl on the floor. Luckily she felt great by the time she woke up at a regular hour Christmas morning. I don't know what to do with that girl. She sure is my little sickie.

We had a bit of an emergency during our delicious Christmas dinner at my in-laws. My brother-in-law Ryan was holding my darling 2 year old neice Bella in one arm and a bowl of soup in the other and he started to walk down the stairs. He slipped or tripped (nobody saw, we were all sitting at the table still) and she hit her head extremely hard on the wall, or banister, or something. Since we didn't hear any crying we assumed everything was alright until Ryan just sat there and didn't try to get up. It was instant chaos as everyone rushed over and then everyone kind of freaked out. I didn't see because I had been the furthest from the staircase, and then I heard people yell "Call 911!" so I did since I was right next to the phone. Now, I have mentioned before that I am terrible in emergencies, so I probably wasn't the best one to call 911. I was shaking so hard that I almost dropped the phone several times. I gave them the wrong address 3 times, the wrong phone number twice, and I didn't even know what had happened, so the message kept relaying through me. Apparently Bella had kind of gone limp, ghost white, and then stopped breathing for a minute. I felt horrible for Breanna, Andy's sister, who had to watch it all. Andy tried to push her away so she didn't have to see it. I guess Bella kind of came to and started screaming, and a few minutes later the paramedics showed up. They took her to Primary Children's where they did a CT scan and made sure everything was alright. It turned out that she was okay except for a giant sized goose egg on her noggin' and they got to come back later to join us and finish opening presents. I'm so grateful everything turned out well, I know it could have been much worse. Bella must have a little guardian angel watching over her; lucky girl :)

We had to retake the Christmas Jammies photo after Bella made it back. She's in the very top right corner and was none too happy that we made her do it. That's the twist- aren't kids supposed to be happy on Christmas? There's a few criers in there, don't they know this is the happiest time of the year? :)
I hope everyone had a fun, safe, and Merry Christmas. We sure did, minus our little twists.
Happy New Year everyone!


Mrs.Spy said...

What a scare!!!I am so glad everyone was okay, but YIKES!!!

Your kids are so cute.

Also, Matt and I talked about it, and we forbid you guys from moving.

Becca and Brian said...

Love the Jammies!! Madison has those episodes that Bella had everytime she would hit the back of her head its way freaky!!! thats funny Daphne was sick throwing up because so was Madsison. Weard. Glad your xmas was jolly!