Sunday, January 2, 2011

Auld Lang Syne

A new year has come. And what a year we had. It was full of up's and down's and lots of emotion, just like life should be. So many things happened. It was quite a year for change. And last year also happened to be the first year I made a New Year's Resolution. I think we can safely say I kept it. Remember what it was? I came really close to breaking it a couple of times there, but I prevailed :)

This year, I have heard several people doing a new thing instead of resolutions. They have chosen one word or phrase to style their year after. I liked that idea and think I will copy. I always was one for copying :)

My word this year will be "Improve". It is a year for change for me. I know last year was full of changes, but last year was a lot of change that I didn't have much control over. This year, I want to change many things that I have direct control over. I want to improve my health, my attitude, my ability to have patience, my knowledge of the gospel, and several abilities I have let fall by the wayside as motherhood has basically taken over my life. I love the fact that I am a mother, but that is not the only thing I can do. I can do much more, I just haven't chosen to do so in the past few years because my life felt complete in what I was doing. My children are getting older and more independant and I feel that I can do some things that I have been wanting to do for me, which I feel will only improve myself and help me be a better mother and wife in the end.

So, to all of you out there, good luck with your new year, and any "improving" you choose to do :)

1 comment:

Matt and Joanna said...

I just read on Bloom about this one word resolution thing and I love it! I'm still trying to find mine. I love your new pictures, you are awesome! Happy New Year!