Saturday, February 21, 2009

My Nemesis

The picture above is my nightmare. Horrifying to me, in fact. That.... is my weekly laundry pile. I know it looks like a big mess, but it is actually hundreds of pieces of clothing, folded into piles. I couldn't even fit it all into the picture because our master bedroom is so small. It covers every inch of our king size bed, plus, onto my dresser in the background. Plus... the scariest thing about it is... I still have THREE more loads to do! AHHHHH! The reason I hate laundry SO MUCH is because it NEVER ENDS. No matter what, there is always more. Even if all the laundry hampers are empty and all the linens and towels are clean. Because kids are always WEARING clothes. It never ends...

Finally, the laundry basket is empty and we can sail away in our pirate ship!


Travis and Cristan said...

I am so with you! It takes me a whole day to do my laundry and after I am done I take all the ramdom clothes that we wore at the end of laundry day and I through it in whites, darks I don't care I just want everything in my house to be CLEAN!!!!

Brian and Becca said...

I have laudry all over my bedroom in piles. I'm going to have to start all over again. Why can't we just throw our clothes away and buy new stuff. That way we would never have to do laundry ever again!!! two thumbs down for laundy!

Maquel said...

I know the feeling, though I can't imagine it with four kids! We recently bought a new washer and dryer so laundry has been better as of late since it let's me play with my new "toy." I know it's just a matter of time, though.

amberkei said...

Yeah, too bad there's never a real caught-up time with laundry. It's so frustrating when my bed looks like that a couple times a week! At least Ben sometimes will come help me fold late at night when he wants to go to bed and I'm determined to get it at least folded. My biggest headache is putting it away...sometimes it's just easier to pull from the piles in my room instead of running into all the rooms to get us dressed. AH!

The A.Wahls said...

This is how I feel about the whole "housewife" thing in general. I wrote a poem (in my head) about it once; how everything I do gets undone. If I do the laundry, someone will spill or even change their clothes for "fun" three times that day; if I clean the bathroom, someone will pee on the floor; if I do the dishes, someone will have the nerve to eat and dirty another one! It's a tough job but someone has got to do it! Hang in there! I keep dreaming of the day all these little kids around here will be big enough to have real chores and I can sit back with my feet up while they do the housework. HAHAHA :)

Chris and Brittani Knudsen said...

Oh my I feel for you...We only have three people and I feel like I'm swimming in it! Good luck!