Friday, April 23, 2010

Happy 30th Andrew!

My hubby hit a milestone.

He's 30.


Just kidding :)

We had a tiny party with our little family. I made him a big steak dinner, we had a big chocolate cake and gave him a big bag full of all his favorite things. This is NOT how I pictured my hubby's 30th birthday to be, but he picked a heck of a year to move. Not that he minds, or cares that nothing exciting happened, but I tried planning all sorts of fun surprises and none of them would work out (due to the fact we live a million miles away from old friends and family mostly :). They just might later this year, but we'll have to see how that all goes. I hope something will work out to commemorate the big 3-0. I will, of course, let you know if it it does :)

Happy Happy Birthday Andrew. I love you :)

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