Last summer we went to California at the end of July. It was a long drive and we left late to come home and got home around 6 AM. We all went back to bed and then when we all woke up around 9, I started cleaning out the car, and had all the kids come out with me to take their travel stuff inside-toys, movies, blankets, pillow, etc. Well, apparently with all the coming in and going out, and coming in.... Baron escaped out the screen door and was playing out front (remember, he was only about 15 1/2 months at this time) The front door got shut and the kids went back to their cartoons. I went downstairs to do laundry (which, once I turn the washer on, I cannot hear anything going on upstairs, it's so loud) and was sorting clothes for awhile. When I finished I had a quiet feeling to check on the kids, and went upstairs to check on them. The older 3 were watching cartoons. I went up to the boys room to see Bear because I knew (or so I thought) he had been in his room playing with toys. I went in there and....
No Bear. Ran back downstairs thinking he was in the playroom and I hadn't seen him....
No Bear. Run back upstairs and ask the kids where Bear is....
They have no idea. I search the house from top to bottom in about 3 minutes flat.
No Bear. I run in and wake up Andy, getting a bit hysterical (he had driven most of the night, so he was sleeping a bit longer than the rest of us.) and we run outside in our pajammas calling Bear frantically, praying in our minds that he's okay. Down at the corner by our house we see a cop car pulling around. Andy runs over and converses with the cop, and then I see a little group of kids across the street and about 3 houses down. Bear is in the midst of them playing, running around and laughing. There are also a couple adults (now, our ward boundries ended with us. Across the street was a whole other ward, not to mention about 75% of our immediate neighbors were non-members, so I had no idea who these people were) talking to each other. I run to Bear, he sees me and gets a big grin and runs to me. I have never been so happy to squeeze that chubby little body. I talk with one of the ladies who says she saw Bear wandering around about 20 minutes ago and thought he was ours, as we are the only other family with kids in the immediate vicinity. She said she knocked on our door a couple times, but no one answered (darn that washing machine-oh, and my kids who listen to me and don't answer the door without me telling them to! ;) And then after about 10 minutes of no one frantically searching for him, she decided she better call the police. I thanked her profusely for being a good person and not a kidnapper (not really :) and watching him while his oblivious parents were otherwise occupied.
The cop took Andy's info and told us to be more careful. And that was that. I never shared it on my blog because... well... I honestly didn't think much more about it and so many other things were going on at the time, it just slipped from my mind (I usually do that with horrifying experiences).
And then it happened again.... Crap.
Last Saturday it was suck a beautiful spring morning and I was up early. I started cleaning my house and realized I needed to get Sadie some food as she was completely out. I asked Laylah to keep a very close eye on Bear and that dad was upstairs sleeping if she needed anything. She agreed.
I ran to the store quickly; came home where all was well. I decided to take Sadie for a quick 20 minute walk because really, it was SUCH a beautiful morning (the hymn Oh What a Beautiful Morning even came to mind) The kids all wanted to come but they were all still in jammies, so I told them to just turn on the nintendo and they could play while I was gone and when I got back we'd start chores. I reminded them to watch Bear and started out with my walk. I was gone about 10 minutes when I had a quiet feeling to turn around and go home. I immedietly did so, much to Sadie's disappoinment-she kept trying to walk the other way. I walked about 2 minutes when a little figure came into my view. It was a little barefoot boy, walking down the middle of the street looking at the ground with a little frown on his face. I yelled "Bear!" in surprise to which the figure looked up, face cracked into a giant grin and he started pumping his little legs as fast as they would carry him towards me, and I, to him. I picked up that boy and squeezed with all my might until he grunted, needing some air.
I immedietly looked around waiting to see someone point an accusing finger at me, or waiting to hear the wail of a siren. None came. I put Bear over my shoulder for a piggy back ride and began jogging the half mile home. That's right.... a half mile. On the way I thought about what I should say to the kids. I knew I couldn't get angry, I was the mother after all, and Bear was my responsibility. When I reached our porch, I set Bear down and looked him right in the eye. "You cannot leave the house all by yourself Bear. Do you understand? That is very dangerous and you could get hurt. Owie! Okay?" To which he replied "Okay.... owie!" and showed me his bloody, stubbed little toes from walking along the asphault barefoot.
I walked inside (the cracked open door) and called to the kids and explained what had happened. They felt horrible and apologized. I told them that if they agreed to watch bear than they needed to do it and be responsible. And then I grounded them from nintendo the rest of the day. I didn't think that was too harsh.
Later I found Bear playing in here:
I've learned a lot of things about these experiences. I have never been a "worried" mother. I am just not overly concerned and I always think nothing bad could, or would, ever happen to my kids. I've learned that is simply not true. I need to be more diligent and responsible. I am so grateful for the Holy Ghost in my life and that still small voice. I am grateful for the gospel and my Father's influence every day. These experiences could have turned out a lot worse. But they didn't and I am lucky enough to get another chance and try again.
oh how scary. shad has up and left a few times too. there was a lady in my old ward that her boy would escape and run around the neighborhood naked and he would just go in to peoples houses if the door was unlocked. scary! glad he has been fine both times.
Dang, that's a little too close. I think I could be a little more vigilant in keeping track of my kids. Thank goodness everything turned out OK for you though.
Whew! Yeah, I have seriously considered a the possibility of a dog leash... you know, the retractable kind? I think somebody should make a child version of it. Want to help? We could make millions? =)
That's crazy Sarah. I'm so glad that you listen to those promptings, things could've turned out bad. Glad he's okay!
Oh Sarah! I'm just sick inside for you! I had the same thing happen just last week with Noah. He unlocked the child-safety lock on our front door(using a chair of course -- he's too good at solving problems apparently), crossed the very busy road we live on, and "went to talk to the construction worker" who was tearing out the neighbors driveway with a FRONT LOADER!!! I've never felt so sick in my life. I couldn't even talk to him for an hour....just sent him to his room. Don't know what we're going to do with these little escape artists. I hope Bare grows out of it soon. Good luck!
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