Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Daphne's Horse Birthday Party

 We celebrated Daphne's birthday party with her friends the day after her birthday. She wanted a horse party and I had this crazy idea to ask my sister Kaylie to bring her horses to my house so the girls could ride. I always come up with these wild ideas for my kids' birthday parties and then the day of, when I am stressed out and wondering what the heck I was thinking, it always seems to work out just fine. Which is what happened, so yay!

I drove to the barn and hooked up the trailer. Kaylie got the horses in and we got them back to my house just in time for me to quickly set up the party. It turned out pretty cute!
 Daphne requested horse-ish snacks, so we had carrots and dip, apples, tiny finger sandwiches.soda, and sugar cubes! my mother-in-law made her awesome cake and Daphne loved it.

 We did simple gift bags of little horse toys, horse stickers, sugar cubes, and I took a photo of each girl riding and printed out the pictures of them to add to their bag.

The girls arrived and we opened gifts first. Daphne got some fun things!
 Birthday Bow!

 Happy Birthday to you!

 Make a wish!

 Having a ball eating and chatting. We talked about how we act around the horses and how to get up on the horse. They were excited, and some were scared.

 Daphne rode first to show how it was done. We held on to the lead and didn't let anyone ride by themselves, it made me a little too nervous. Of course, everyone wore helmets as well :) Safety first!

 The girls had a blast and LOVED every second! I mean, what little girl doesn't love horses?!

After riding, we went in to warm up and watch black beauty with popcorn, treats, and drinks. 

It was a great party! Happy Birthday, cute Daphne!

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