Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Mess King and Dishwasher VS. Washing Machine

Baron is at the most fun age. I just love it. He is so stinkin cute and funny. He is learning new things every day and he is always making us laugh. However, he is at that stage where everything he touches turns into a mess. It has been driving me CRAZY!! There are toys, clothes, books, balls, and other miscellaneous items strewn around my house at any given time. He also is the messiest eater I've ever had. Here is some proof of said behavior...
Emptying out the drawer

Who, me? Make a mess??? Ha ha ha...

The boys room after Baron had gotten to it

The empty toybox that is supposed to be FULL of toys... they're all over the room instead

After breakfast... one of his cleaner days

Rarrrrr!!!! I'm gonna get you mom!!!
I don't wanna take a bath!!! I wanna keep eating dirt instead...

FYI:Ziploc bags are a pain to get back into the box after they've been ripped out and thrown everywhere...

This is the "before" picture. I couldn't even get an "after" picture because he had come into the house completely covered in melted popsicle which was dripping all over my floor and I opted to clean him up instead of going to find my camera to document the mess- but I'm sure you can imagine.

Dishwasher VS. Washing Machine

If you can't tell, those are Baron's socks in the dishwasher. Maybe he thought the washing machine didn't do a good enough job and he thought he'd give the dishwasher a go. Funny kid. Love him!


Becca and Brian said...

LOL! That age is so fun but I Know what you are talking about. they get into everything. They like to take everything out and than to the next. He is so cute!

Corrine said...

Keep taking the pictures, he will love them later, ha, ha. Use them as possible blackmail propaganda. You can't deny what the pictures show :) Fun times that will somehow be missed and then later forgotten.

SamandJasonfamily said...

How would it be to be that age again. Popsicles and dirt!

Chris and Brittani Knudsen said...

OH my I can relate on so many levels...I swear my life consists of cleaning up the same mess I have 15 times already. But you have to admitt, it's still pretty cute!

Lisa said...

I remember when Tucker used to take all the ziplock baggies out too. What a pain to put back. You gotta love them though!

Maquel said...

He, he!! Kids can be so naughty and yet completely adorable at the same time!