Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Some Friendly Advice

I am exhausted. There is not enough time in the day. I feel like I am never going to catch-up even though I feel like all I do is try to do exactly that!

I was thinking about this today as I was leaving the gym with my 4 kids in tow at 6:45 PM. I still had to go home and make dinner, Andy would be gone to Young Men's (yes, we've been here a month and we already have callings :), and then I had to do baths and finish up some homework with both Laylah and Jonah. Whew!! The 8 PM bedtime that we have always stuck to religiously has slowly crept to a later and later time just because there is always so much to do and I can't ever seem to do it all. So, the kids are finally in bed.... at 9:15. Boo.

Here comes my advice to you. The majority of the people who I know read my blog have much younger children than me. Some of you only have 1. You lucky ducks :) I'm not saying that because I don't love my children dearly, I'm just a bit jealous of where you are in life. I remember having 1 child. It was so EASY!! And I thought it was so HARD!! Well, not hard exactly, but much harder than anything I'd ever done before. And people always told me to enjoy my kids when they were little because they'd never be little again. I truly feel like I have done that. I feel like I played with, adventured with, cuddled with, indulged with, etc. each one of my kids as they were little and as they continued to grow. And I delighted in it. I enjoyed myself. I loved my time with each and every one of them. I still do of course, but it is changing.

I have 2 kids in school. They have homework, activities, general busy-ness and just STUFF that is always there, taking more and more time. I never thought I would say it, and I always thought life would be so much better and easier once I had a couple kids in school, but I can honestly say I miss those days when none of my kids were in school. I had a crazy house, and changed a LOT of bums, but I loved it. And now I miss it. And it's sad. I miss our free time. I miss the days where we could do whatever we wanted and didn't have to live by a schedule, a bus pick-up time, a project deadline (yes, both of my kids have already had projects. Weird? Yes), a strict bed-time, and I miss the days where we just played, all day.

SO, my real advice to anyone who cares to read it is: Enjoy the no school. Don't wish them to be in school. Don't wish for them to grow up. Enjoy them. Enjoy the time that they love you and don't get mad at you and forgive and forget so easily.

I always did. It was wonderful. And I sure do wish it hadn't gone by so fast :)


Travis and Cristan said...

I am not even there yet(the kids in school thing), and I am already dreading it! I LOVE that we can have our lazy days where we can do anything or nothing!
It is crazy they have already had "projects". What does a kindergartener have for a project?!
I hope things slow down soon with spring break coming up!

Becca and Brian said...

I bet you cant wait for summer break!! I know what you mean. I thought when Kenzie started preschool that I would have more time to get stuff done but really it just sucks the time out of you! Sounds like you are having a fun busy time and I'm sure your kids are loving it! I hope you can catch up on your rest though.

Chris and Brittani Knudsen said...

Thanks for the advice, I'm really going to take it to heart for sure! With only one I totally find myself wishing it away every once in a while! No more of that...starting now!

SamandJasonfamily said...

I needed that advice. You're such a great mom Sarah!

amberkei said...

Thanks, Sarah. We're debating right now if we should put Trent in school in the fall or wait another year. I think we're leaning towards waiting because he only turns 5 two weeks before the cutoff and I just can't see him going off to school already! CRAZY that they grow so fast! I think I really want just one more year with him. Before all the next phase starts. BTW - what's your calling?

Shana Smith said...

You know I totally agree with you! Although I do not yet have a child in school, I hope everyday that the days and time just slow down a little bit. I always thought that once the kids are in school life is going to be crazy busy all the time and I am not quite ready for that.. I really do cherish the time I get to spend with Coast cuz I do feel like the time does just passes us by! I am so lucky to be a Stay-At-Home-Mom, as hard as it can be at times, I LOVE it!