Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Clean Scan Numero Cinco!

 That dreaded day came that gives me anxiety leading up to it every time. 
Scan Day aka Scary Day. 

I call it that just because while I am mostly positive, there is always that tiny thought that WHAT IF?!?? What if THIS was the scan that came back with bad news? The bad news that would take us back to cancer world, a place I never want to go again? It's always scary, and unless you have been through it with your own child, you will never know the feeling. It's unexplainable.

We were up at 5 AM so we could be to the hospital for check-in at 5:45.
 Sleepy boy.

The annoying thing is, we always have to be there so early and then we sit and wait in our room for almost an hour before they come do his IV and then we wait about another half hour before they sedate him to start the scan. It's pretty ridiculous and I don't understand it. 
 But he had fun reading books with dad while we waited.

Thumbs up for being brave.

The IV team came and Magnus cried and I felt bad. It is always sad to see him scared about getting poked. No fun. He's a champ.

But he is laughing again before we know it.

We took him in to the MRI room, lay him on the table, and I sang him songs and ticked his arm while they administered the sleepy meds until he fell asleep. And then we have to say goodbye and we tensely eat breakfast and wait until they call us back to recovery. They have completely remodeled the scan rooms, so it was weird and I had no idea where we were going and I felt like it was a first time scan. 

He is to the point where he pretty much knows what is going on and while he sometimes is upset when he first wakes up, we can usually console him pretty quickly. And we brought him his favorite donut and that ALWAYS helps. Donuts for the win. 

We headed up to the cancer clinic after that and he is always so sleepy after a scan. He fell asleep on the table and his oncologist came in and told us that everything looked GREAT! Best news ever. I love that they are able to tell us right away because I have some friends in our support group that usually have to wait a few days for results. That would be pure torture and is totally unacceptable in my opinion. She gave him a quick exam, and asked a lot of questions about how he is doing both physically and mentally. We asked her questions, and then she asks us some more in her responses. We talked about kindergarten nd how we feel like he needs some extra help. She always says all the right things and it is so great to know that we have such wonderful and caring peope in our corner, wanting the best for Magnus just like we do. We are so lucky to live where we do and by one of the best hospitals in the country. 

Phew! Four more months until we have to do it all over again.

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