Laylah did such a great job- I can't wait for the end of year recital in a couple weeks. The only thing she's not so great at is smiling. She just won't do it! Don't ask me why.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Raging Waters Dance Performance
Laylah did such a great job- I can't wait for the end of year recital in a couple weeks. The only thing she's not so great at is smiling. She just won't do it! Don't ask me why.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Boating... in May
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Memorial Weekend...
We got there Friday afternoon (after Andy had recieved a speeding ticket on the way down. More bad luck. I think that is like his 13th since I have known him. Grrr, it drives me crazy) and they had planned a bonfire to roast our dinner. We had so much fun chatting and catching up with everyone (all of Andy's aunts, uncles, and cousins live out of state, so it had been a few years since we'd seen all of them) My kids were in heaven with the tons of kids running around. We did have a little scare for about 5 minutes (which felt like hours) when Daphne went missing. We had rented this big warehouse at the fairgrounds to have all of our parties at, and there was a playground nearby. All of the little girls from ages 2-14 had gone over to play freeze tag. Laylah came running in after awhile and said that Daphne was missing. One minute she was there and the next she was gone. I jumped right up and told Andy and we ran outside in the rain to search for her. There were a lot of people nearby at other buildings on the fairgrounds, and I just kept picturing someone driving by and snatching her up in their car and driving far away. I had horrible images going through my head. I was terrified. Andy called his dad after a minute, who announced it and everyone jumped up to start looking. All of the sudden Daphne walked out of the restroom. No one had even seen her go in there. It was the biggest relief I have ever felt. Here are a few pics of the first night.
At the bonfire
Having a blast running around the warehouse
Playing basketball in the warehouse
Our family pow-wow
The next morning we had this huge delicious breakfast and we had the town pool rented to go swimming that afternoon for a couple hours. Then the pool called to say the water heater was broken and the water temp was 40 degrees(more bad luck). So the kids had to find some other entertaining activities. They found this old tractor...And Andy's grandma was nice enough to bring some movies and a TV to set up in the warehouse...
And that day was Laylah's birthday, so we ended up going back to our hotel and having a little party for her. Later that night was the big anniversery party. Andy's aunt decorated the church so beautifully and dinner was amazing. It was such a fun party with dancing and everyone was on the floor. Daphne and her Aunt Terra were really ripping it up. One of Andy's cousins that is just a little older than Laylah was teaching her to dance. They were so cute. I think they both had a little crush on the other :)
Everyone was giving Andy a hard time about not dressing up(he wore jeans instead of slacks), and he went in the hall and found this tiny tie and jacket and wore it around the rest of the night.
I didn't see Jo for awhile (which is usually the case) and went searching for him. I found him in the nursury playing with toys. I guess he's not into dancing :)
I had to take this picture. We made Jonah sleep in the bathtub because he started coughing Saturday night and it was driving everyone crazy. Andy made him a bed in the tub and we all finally got a few good hours of sleep. We had a great trip.
Happy Birthday Laylah and Family Party
Laylah was such a lucky girl this year. Her birthday lasted for a week! She took cupcakes to school last Tuesday and her class celebrated that day, her birthday party was Thursday, her actual birthday was Saturday, and her family party was Monday. She said to me "I am SO lucky mom, my birthday was way longer than just one day!"