My dad got another boat and wanted to try it out, so he invited me and my kids along to see what it could do. It was nice and warm and a beautiful day in the valley, and when we got up to Jordanelle Res. it was cloudy and a little chilly. We got the boat in the water and drove around making sure everything worked okay. My kids loved it, of course. They've all been boating (and water skiing ;) since they were in utero! Baron especially loved it (except the life jacket part- he kind of had a fit about that for a minute) because he was too little last summer to remember it at all. The water was freezing, so all my kids did was dip their toes in, but we still had fun. There is just something about being out on the water with the beautiful scenery that is just so calming and relaxing. I love it, and so do my kids. By the time we had to leave, there were some MEAN looking clouds, and it started raining and was incredibly windyand cold. We had to wait a little bit for my dad to go get the truck and then wait for him to put the trailer in the water, because of course, everyone else was tring to pull out too. My kids huddled up in their towels and thought it was so much fun. I was really proud of myself for being able to get the boat on the trailer in that weather, especially after being out of practice for a few years. Thanks dad for the fun day. I love you and hope you invite us again soon... excpet maybe not in May :)
Looks like fun-- boating is such a good memory for kids.
Just give me a call... I am still working until the kid comes so dinner might be easier but whatever works with everyone else.
That looks like a lot of fun!
That looks like so much fun. When Brian is done with school I want to buy a boat and go boating a lot, I love it!
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